Half Note Hunt

Our most recent addition to our "Rhythm Doesn't Bug Us" wall is the half note! We have been learning that the half note looks very similar to the quarter note, but his "belly" is not colored in. Because he has an "empty" belly, Mr. Half Note can eat two bites of pie or two jelly beans or two of whatever Mr. Half Note would like. However many bites the note can eat translates in our music brains to how many beats that note gets in the music. Therefore, we know that half notes get two beats!

To help us get used to spotting and reading half notes in music, we went on a little half note hunt around the music room. We learned how to keep a tally of each half note we found. This activity was a huge sucess! Our friends are super half note hunters! Most classes even decided that we should hunt quietly so that we didn't scare the half notes away! :)
Here are some photos from Ms. Holloway's class on their hunt!
Sometimes the half notes were hiding in spots or on charts that are always right on our walls!
These were some of the hardest to find!

We kept a running tally of how many we had found on our white boards.
Draven was getting close to the finish line, with 15 tally marks, he only had 5 more half notes to find!

Jaylen noticed that the half notes were even hiding in our centers!

Ben even found a half note Mrs. H had forgotten about, so he had a tally total of 21!

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